LH-Group                                                            SELECTAMARK - FINLAND




Computer Alarms

Computer Locks

Security Software Solutions



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  ©LH-Group Oy

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Product Finder:

The Internet is the premier method for distributing digital information. Sending confidential files via email, downloading software or exchanging information with business partners, the Net is an integral part of corporate infrastructure.

Protecting your information in cyberspace has never been of higher importance. The cost of unauthorized copies can be high.  For example your competitors can get a printed copy of that confidential document or customers can make "evaluation" copies of your products. This can have a significant impact on your bottom line. 

InTether is a new approach to securing your property over the Net. Permissions can be added to a file by the author before it is sent. The recipient simply opens the file and the permissions are set!


“The biggest issue for the entertainment industry is the trade off between the tremendous opportunity, convenience and economies offered by Internet delivery vs. the need to protect rights of the artists and content owners.  InTether is the solution that opens the door for secured delivery of music, film and games within whatever delivery format the content provider chooses without compromising artist or owner’s rights.”

Chris Hensley, President. InfoLoc.com